weekday :
OPEN 12:00 > CLOSE 19:00
weekend :
OPEN 11:00 > CLOSE 19:00
TEL : 03 3464 8144
E MAIL : info@eliminator.co.jp
ELIMINATOR is not just a regular speciality boutique that enumerates ravishing designer labels from Paris and Milan. At our store, the selected collections are treated in the equal dimension as classic brands and cutting-edge domestic brands that advocate the trends. Why…? It is because the axis of our selections regards ‘THREE TIMELINES’, in other words, PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE, and we try to express the links of these timelines through our product structure.
ELIMINATORは、パリやミラノなど華やかなコレクションブランドを羅列するセレクトショップではありません。当店はコレクションブランドをセレクトしておりますが、その他、老舗ブランドをはじめ、トレンドを代弁するドメスティックブランドを全て同じ次元で並べ販売しております。何故なのか、、、。このセレクトの軸となるのがTHREE TIMELINEです。すなわち、THREE TIMELINE=過去、現在、未来を繋ぐ商品構成、という考えの基に成り立っているからです。
The basic concept of ELIMINATOR as a speciality boutique is ‘British-ness’. Though our intention is not to pursuit British styles invented with their ideas and fashion typically reminisced in iconic Punks, Mods, or historical-traditional attires etc... Instead we search for their fashion coordination theories and the way of thinking in clothing regarding the concept of ‘British-ness’ as the Spirit of English man.
Though there is a loss of diversity in fashion globally at this present era with the widespread of the internet, without their great physiques and facial features we are yet to find British coordination ideas uniquely attractive when using the same designer labels and items. We consider it is by the cause of their particular enthusiasm for coordination and the beliefs in each and individual styles.
Another important aspect of men’s fashion culture in the UK is the history of traditional manufacturing techniques and the finest craftsmanship acquired. Furthermore, many of the style icons we have today are bred through the UK’s youth culture that innovated fashion into an exciting matter. These historical phenomena are values that do not fade in time and important elements at the heart of ideas owned by ELIMINATOR.
Moreover, by selecting the designers and items by the perspectives above in the mixture of cutting-edge ideas we contemplate our mission as “Proposing styles that are not something that exists already or not something that did not exist, which accompany you as a person facing the future with the reality of daily life”.
The title “From Manchester and London to Tokyo” reframes and defines our distinctive statement ‘THREE TIMELINES’ as described above and indicates the three time bases with name of cities; PAST= uncouth but indestructible tough spirits of Manchester, PRESENT= Free thinking from London, FUTURE= High-tech and logical, the mongrel way of life along the times in Tokyo. This unique interpretation comes from having our inspiration truly from the UK.
先に述べた3つの時間軸、過去、現在、未来このTHREE TIMELINEを、UKをインスパイアソースとする私共ならではの表現として、都市が持つイメージになぞらえFrom Manchester and London to Tokyoと題し、過去(マンチェスターの無骨だが不変な強靭な精神)、現在(ロンドンの自由な発想)、未来(東京のハイテクで合理的、時代に沿った多様な生き方)と定義しています。
The designers we present at ELIMINATOR are not only based in the UK but includes those inspired by the UK fashion, whom we carefully select from all over the world, and with the correct understanding of designer’s philosophy, we showcase the product through the filter of ELIMINATOR.
As for the designers of certain talent creating the next age of fashion we don’t only handle products but back up in delivering the brand to the wider audience and market. (Ex. KIM JONES, AITOR THROUP etc..)
We achieve the greatest joy in anticipating the future and discovering new values through working with new designers but an idea simply being new does not mean it is valuable. We consider ‘fashion’ is not only about what can be seen but consists of all elements behind it and much more, the act of wearing is an act of choosing one’s communication tool; therefore we sincerely hope for our customers to appreciate this matter.
In the best possible way, women’s fashion continues to move towards the future by separating the past, when men’s fashion is established on a completely different methodology and we hope to pursue its true nature and pass the baton to the next generation.
ELIMINATORで取り扱う商品はUKブランドのみではなく、世界中から厳選したブランド達です。それは、UKにインスパイアされたデザイナーやクリエーターが世界中に存在しているからです。私達は常にブランドが持つフィロソフィーを正しく理解した上で、ELIMINATORというフィルターを通した商品紹介をさせて頂いておりますが、特に次世代を作り上げる新しい才能にはブランドとしての取り扱いと同時に、ブランドをバックアップするというスタンスを持って皆様へ提案をさせて頂いています。 (バックアップ例:KIM JONES , AITOR THROUPなど) このような活動は未来を予感する、新しい価値観を見いだす、といった楽しさがありますが、単に新しいからといって良いアイディアとは限りません。ファッションは見た目だけではなく、その裏側にある事柄まで含めてファッションであると考えるからです。そしてこの事を知って頂くことが私達の願いです。ましてや身に纏うということは、同時に社会とのコミュニケーションツールを自ら選択している、とも言えるからです。私共は良い意味で、過去を切り捨て未来へ向かうレディースファッションの無敵さとは全く違う方法論の上に成立するメンズファッションの本質を常に追求しながら、次世代へ繋げられればと考えています。
We want to propose a fashion that exudes each and individual ways of thinking and attitude. Through our business, we hope to reach everyone to gain an interest in the origin of humanity. Because we want them to question what is behind preconceived ideas. Though it is difficult for us who live the present time to seek the raw sense of freedom and equality that have existed in the ages before the concept of “nation” was born.
Where do our thoughts that control our everyday action really come from? If we observe everything with a perception as large as the universe using the hints given by the physicists we would appreciate the fact that very core of our existence as earthmen origins from the outer space. And this may help us realize that we are living within ready-made values.
Living life with independence and not to be swept away by the majority is the way to influence others and if each and all of us learn to live our lives so, we could establish a better world where we respect one and another for the differences without conflict. Life is an act of art with message. Based on these ideas we acknowledge fashion as a key for us to achieve ideas as big as the universe, and fashion is a vital tool for the humanity, which must always bear the truth.
私達はその人ならではの考え方、すなわち姿勢が滲み出るようなファッションを提案したいと考えています。さらには、唐突ですが皆さんに人類の起源に興味を持って頂きたいとも思っています。それは既成概念とは何かという事に興味を持って頂きたいと願っているからです。かつて国が存在していなかった時代における自由や平等が有り得ない今の時代の中で自分を見出すことは難しいかもしれません。 物理学者の研究結果をヒントに宇宙サイズで物事を捉えると、宇宙が起源となる地球人としての自分という核が存在している事実。その上で、毎日の行動を支配している自らの考えは一体どこから来ているのかを考えると作られた価値観の中で生活していることに気付くことが出来るかもしれません。多数派に流されず主体性を持った生き方をすることで人に影響を与えられ、また皆がそうなることで、個々の個性を認め合いながら争いのない素晴らしい世界を創造できると考えています。まさに人間の生き方がメッセージを帯びたアートです。私達はこのような考えのもと、ファッションが宇宙サイズの考えを導く一つのツールになり得ると信じています。